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Our change & transformation management offer

Three big phases occur during business transformations.

Obviously, changing and transforming organizations starts with a clear strategy for the future. This strategy needs to be developed and executed. Often transformations fail, because most organizations don’t map the future to the actual state, during the so-called strategy interpretation phase.

Strategy Development


Requires ‘advisory’ services.

Strategy Interpretation


Requires ‘translation’ services.

Strategy Execution


Requires ‘delivery’ services.

Some companies don’t put enough focus on this strategy interpretation phase, which is in our view however, a critical phase. This then results in projects and programs being started with a complete unrealistic view on required resources, budget and realization throughput times.

Vade Ad Cor can assist you during all three phases. But in real live we are most often called in, as from the strategy interpretation phase.

Two sub phases emerge in the strategy execution phase.

In line with Richard Barrett’s view on how to build high performing organizational cultures, we do separate two sub phases.

Change Phase:

The focus is on doing what we did, but in a more efficient, productive and/or quality enhanced way.

Classically, we hereby focus on:

  • Organizational redesign
  • Process redesign
  • Tooling redesign
  • Technology redesign
  • Business & technology alignment

Vade Ad Cor can assist you by providing Business Process Modelling (BPM) or Lean - Six Sigma Experts and Application / Enterprise Architects.

Transformation Phase:

The focus is on a different way of being. Transformations involve changes at the deepest levels of beliefs, values and assumptions.

Our attention is primarily focused on:

  • Cultural redesign
  • Stakeholder management
  • Communication management
  • Business training
  • Business coaching
  • Talent management and development

Vade Ad Cor will provide you with seasoned Change and Transformation Practitioners.

Both phases require a lot of attention, both from an analytical and managerial perspective!

Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ve done this, successfully, many times before!


"The measure of a man is what he does with power."


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