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The real essence of our story

Welcome to our website.

We have written this page to get you up to speed in a clear and precise way.

Because we have a story to tell. A story about confronting fears and finding the courage to go down new paths.
A story about transformational leadership!

In the work we do every day we love to go to the core of things. As clearly shown in our logo, we believe this is the only way to unlock situations and create momentum.

Based on our past experiences, we approach transformations from two sides.

Our sister company Inscriptio provides the ‘soft’ side, or the ‘train & coach’ side, in making available to individuals and organizations, highly skilled Business Trainers and Transformational Coaches.

Incriptio's reputation continues to grow based on our top three transformational leadership programs in the European marketplace.

The first one, Carve (Y)our Future® program will help you to deal with the organizational challenges ahead. Via the second one, our The Way Of The Sherpa® program, your most valued employees will be trained to develop their talents to their highest actual achievable level. In the Taking Point Leadership® Program we will have made your team leaders courageous and engaged, so they can lead without formal authority.

Vade Ad Cor handles the ‘hard’ side, or the ‘delivery’ side, by providing company wise, very seasoned Project / Program Managers and Change / Transformation Practitioners.

Our unique mix between the ‘human’ side and the ‘business’ side of change, which we bring to each mission we embark upon, is indeed what our customers value most! 

We hope this will trigger you to read on…!


"The only constant in life, is change."


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